Qualité Award 2015
A Qualité Award is a symbol of outstanding quality for dairy products and is only awarded to South African Dairy Champions which have obtained a specific minimum point on the international scorecard. The first objective is to reward manufacturers who have achieved outstanding quality in their products and secondly to make these products recognizable to the client in the trade.
Only a very limited number of products obtain this prestigious award during the annual South African Dairy Championships, which are then allowed to display the distinctive logo on the products for the ensuing year. Agri-Expo is continuing to promote the value of the award amongst manufacturers, consumers, retailers and food aficionados in order to increase the trust in the award. The main retailers in South Africa support the Qualité Award and have given their support to increase consumer awareness.

Thank you to our financial partners, we appreciate your support.
The 2017 Qualitè Winners Are:
Ladismith Cheese
Baby Gouda
Langbaken Karoo Cheese
Karoo Crumble
Foxenburg Estate
Renosterbos Estate
Fairfield Dairy
Food Lover’s Market Low Fat Butter Toffee Flavoured Milk
Marcel’s Frozen Yoghurt
Woolworths Tropical Fruit Frozen Yoghurt
Dalewood Fromage
Huguenot matured for 12 months
Dalewood Fromage
Fairview Cheese Company
Woolworths Cream Cheese Roulade
Fairview Cheese Company
Woolworths Chevin with Garlic & Herbs
Parmalat SA
Salmon Flavoured Low Fat Cream Cheese
Parmalat SA
Simonsberg Low Fat Smoked Salmon Cream Cheese
Parmalat SA
Woolworths Matured White Cheddar 18 Months old