Guide for Cheese and Yoghurt
Fresh cheese
Lactic dominated coagulation
No cut and stir, only draining
Texture: Soft, dense, compact & slightly chalky
Flavour: Lactic, mild and milky
Examples: Mascarpone, Fromage Blanc, Chèvre, Labneh
Moisture: 70 – 80%
Soft cheese
Rennet dominated coagulation
Cut, no stirring and no pressing
Texture: Chalky when young, soft to runny with age, some small holes
Flavour: Creamy, flavourful when ripe
Examples: Brie, Livarot, Camembert
Moisture: 45 – 50%
Semi-soft cheese
Rennet dominated coagulation
Cut, stirring and pressing
Texture: Chalky, later soft to runny, some small holes
Flavour: Rich, creamy, more flavourful
Examples: Reblochon, Port Salut
Moisture: 45 – 50%
Semi-hard cheese
Rennet dominated coagulation
Cut, stirring, heating and pressing
Texture: Pliable, some eyes
Flavour: Mild
Examples: Gouda, Edam, Young Boerenkaas
Moisture: 42 – 45%
Hard cheese
Rennet dominated coagulation
Cut, stirring, heating and pressing
Texture: Firm, with or without eyes
Flavour: Rich, flavourful, strong
Examples: Cheddar, Pecorino
Moisture: 37 – 38
Extra hard cheese
Rennet dominated coagulation
Cut, stirring, cooking and pressing
Texture: Hard, brittle, no eyes, crystals
Flavour: Rich, flavourful, strong
Examples: Parmesan, Grana, Sbrinz
Moisture: 33 – 36%

A category of fermented milk made with Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus culture.

Concentrated Yoghurt
A category of fermented milk with increased protein content to 5.6%.
Examples: Strained yoghurt, Ymer.

Snack Yoghurt
Composite milk product based on fermented milk containing 50% non-dairy products such as chocolate, nuts, fruit and spices.